0800 197 2804
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Welcome to film-scanning.co.uk

Is there anything more time consuming than trying to find that important piece of information backed up on old 16mm or 35mm film?

There is certainly nothing less flexible than film, plus it’s very vulnerable to fire, water damage and just being mishandled. Replacing film readers is increasingly expensive as they become more obsolete.

At film-scanning.co.uk we know that the information on your old films is valuable, important and sensitive. It’s why Government Departments, financial institutions and police authorities trust us with their work.

By digitising your old films we can offer you a solution that is searchable, secure, recoverable and flexible and far more cost effective than you may think:

Scans are indexed alphabetically at up to 4000dpi, so it’s easy to locate the information you need. Scans can be sent to you on USB memory or DVD, so can be easily added to your current archive system. They can also be viewed by more than one person at a time.

Files and folders can be password protected and original materials securely disposed of.

Imagine the damage that could be caused by an accident destroying your microfiche. By storing them electronically and backing them up you will reduce the risks of losing valuable data.

The files can be returned to you to fit in your current Document Management Systems, as .pdf files or in whatever format works for you.. They can be 256 shade greyscale, pure black and white or colour. Our machines use the powerful (Digital ICE) feature to remove scratches and revive colours to produce fantastic high resolution or low resolution digital images. Once scanned, the images are stored alphabetically and therefore easily located.


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© film-scanning.co.uk Phone: UK +44 (0) 800 197 2804 All rights reserved worldwide. Terms & Conditions
Microfiche, Aperture Card, Microfilm, Cartridge, Negative, Slide, Film Scanning, Recoverable, Management System