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Jacketed 16mm Microfiche

You may have either type of jacket fiche, the 35mm or the 16mm cards; the 35mm usually have 1 - 6 images on them and the 16mm format contains less than 70 images per card. They have been around since 1961 but these days are a headache as a storage solution and the colour cards do tend to degrade over time despite their expense. There is always the problem of indexing systems that have been lost over time. By indexing them digitally you can quickly and easily identify and locate the files you need.

Some fiche from the 1970’s and earlier can be poor quality, but our staff and software can handle
Redox blemishes
Brittle film
Crystalline deposits

In many cases the resulting files are of a higher read quality than the original fiche.

Digital conversion is the only way to stop ”vinegar syndrome,” which is when fiche become brittle and smell of acetic acid. In these cases we handle the fiche sensitively to prevent further degradation.

Whichever type of jacket fiche you have, we can take that hugely inefficient and outdated storage medium and convert it to an efficient, future proofed one and convert them to an efficient, future proofed system that is flexible enough to meet your needs now and into the future.

Do you need colour or black and white, do you need TIFF files or searchable PDF’s or another format that will fit into your Document Management System? We will discuss with you how we can work flexibly and securely to meet your needs and you may be surprised that the outlay for this service is less than you have imagined.

Once we have completed the work we can return your fiche to you or dispose of them securely. Our parent company Allan Webb Ltd has over 50 years experience in document handling and we work from government approved, highly secure premises where we can call on the expertise of the whole group to ensure your work is handled confidentially and sensitively.

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Microfiche, Aperture Card, Microfilm, Cartridge, Negative, Slide, Film Scanning, Recoverable, Management System